
Separate block for displaying ratings of product characteristicson the product page

298 votes
Implement a separate block to display the ratings for the product characteristicson on the product page

Spanish localization

297 votes
Implement localization on Spanish

Share reviews between store views

11 votes
Implement an ability to share Reviews between similar products on different Magento store views

Generation of coupons

4 votes
Implement the automatic discount coupon generation after adding reviews and sending it to the customer via email.

Separate block for displaying ratings on category on the category page

2 votes
Implement a separate block to display category ratings on the category page which will consis of the all products raitings from selected category

Importing reviews

2 votes
Implement ability to import reviews to the store out of Yotpo.

Debug mode

2 votes
Add debug mode in module for Admin notification

Reviews on category

2 votes
Implement ability to display all reviews about products from the selected category on the category page

Detailed Review extension on Magento 2

1 votes
Develop the Detailed Review extension for Magento 2

Sharing reviews between Related products

1 votes
Implement an ability to share a reviews between products by adding them to the "Same products " functionality in Magento admin area. By using the option "Related products"

Improve the verified buyer functionality

1 votes
Implement Lightbox form for checking guest via email that he has purchased the current product. After passing the checking guest will have the ability to write review or get notification him that he isn't the verified buyer and doesn't have the permissions to write review.

Commenting reviews

1 votes
Implement ability for customers to leave comments on existing reviews

Chinese localization

1 votes
Implement localization on Chinese

French localization

0 votes
Implement localization on French

German localization

0 votes
Implement localization on German